Healthy Living with Mrs. Harrington

At Eagle Elementary of Akron we care for the whole child. What does that mean to us? We’re glad you asked.

Caring for the whole child means that we look after the physical, mental, emotional, and intellectual health of all students in our K-5 tuition free public charter school. It means that we are committed to nurturing every aspect of our students’ growth and development.

Our Physical Education and Health teacher, Kelsey Harrington, teaches students about physical health, wellness, and nutrition, as well as character development and teamwork through safe and fun physical activities. Let’s learn more about Mrs. Harrington and the vital role she plays in the life of our school and our students.

How long have you been at Eagle Elementary? Have you held other positions than PE Teacher? 

I have been at Eagle Elementary for one year. I was previously a high school PE teacher for four years. Prior to being a teacher I was a case manager and an assistant to the clinical director at a mental health agency.

How do you feel PE classes are making a difference for Eagle students? 

I feel that PE classes at Eagle are not only teaching students healthy lifestyle choices for years to come but also building character. Students are learning how to work with others, exhibit good sportsmanship, build self esteem, and become stronger, healthier children. Physical activity helps students build stronger self worth, improves brain function, and allows for self expression.

Who inspired you to be an educator?

I had an elementary school PE teacher that I always looked up to and many coaches along the way that inspired me to inspire the next generation. They were so dedicated to children and developing skill and character, and that was something I also wanted to do.

Tell us about a teaching moment at Eagle Elementary that made you feel like, "This is why I'm a teacher".

At the end of every PE class we do shout outs where students will give a classmate a positive they did in class that day. One day a student said my name and stood up and said I want to choose Mrs. Harrington because she loves us and cares about us. She is trying to make us better people and teaching us about our bodies and how to keep them healthy. He turned to the class and said “she really loves us guys.” The class cheered and all ran up to me and gave me a big group hug!

What else would you like to share about yourself?

When I’m not at school I like to stay active. I’m on a few soccer teams, a kickball team, and I coach my son’s sports teams as well. I enjoy going to parks and the gym. I also own an ice cream shop in Columbus, Ohio and spend a lot of time there, working on it.

Learn more about our care for the whole child at Eagle Elementary by calling us at 330-773-1100, emailing us at, or visiting our website at We’re enrolling now and we’d love to have you join our community!

About Eagle Elementary

Eagle Elementary of Akron is a tuition-free public K-5 school in the Kenmore neighborhood of Akron. With a focus on the well-being of the whole child, we bring a top-tier, future-ready education to all of our students. Our students ask questions, explore new ideas, and develop a strong foundation for a lifetime of learning and personal growth. As a community we are closing the opportunity gap one student at a time. Eagle Elementary — where learning takes flight. Join us. We’re now enrolling.

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